Corporate Culture Development
Upgrading culture is 8 times more impactful than investing in either technology or strategy because it moves the performance levers of both process and people. In addition, culture development drives higher morale and retention as well as innovation and efficiency. Culture development creates immediate impact and sustainable growth.
What you can expect from Folsom Tribework programs:
Engagement, and celebration through team experiences and adventures.
Cutting edge leadership development from top business programs such as USC Marshall School of Business where Philip Folsom is a regular presenter and lecturer.
Increased retention and morale through team vision and value alignment.
Improved workplace innovation, communication and conflict resolution through professionally facilitated collaborative team adventures and experiences.
Increased resiliency and stress management.
Option 1 - High Performance Habits
1. Organizational needs assessment
2. Tribework or Wolf Wisdom
3. Ropes Course and Final Stone
4. Follow up accountability and check in session at 30 days
Option 2 - Lifestyle of Thriving
1. Organizational needs assessment
2. Tribework
3. Ropes Course and Final Stone
4. Zen Archery and Wolf Wisdom
5. Follow Up accountability and check in at 90 Days
Option 3 - Tribe Culture Transformation
1. Organizational needs assessment
2. Tribework
3. Ropes Course and Final Stone
4. Zen Archery and Wolf Wisdom
5. Corporate Social Responsibility Workshop
6. Vision Quest Team Retreat
7. Arete Executive Coaching for team leaders
8. Follow accountability and check in quarterly for 12 Months